Friday, February 24, 2006


I now have a host! Im so happy about that.

So the after effects sketch is here and if you feel like it you can check out how things looked like before putting them together, here, and a view of the after effects workspace, here.

First time that I do this, so hope there´s nothing wrong.

I have a host!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

After Effects doodling

I could finally take some reference with my camera and download the pics and videos that were on the card. There was this house or cottage I saw one night after getting out of a pub that really striked me. It was so...I dont know, it was begging to be turned into something, an animation, an illustration. So I started playing around with it in PS, one thing led to the other and there I was again fooling around with After Effects until pretty late. Id calle this an "aftereffects sketch". It gives me some design ideas to try out in the future. And of course next time things will be much faster, I just need to plan things beforehand.

So here are some frames from the short thing. I wont post the video until I have a host, it really bugs me to put up lowres versions of the videos.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

in the meantime...

Tryed to buy the cable for my camera today. They don´t have it. I really want to start working on the AE Workshop thing. I have some ideas, but I certainly need reference . I´d go sketching but it´s cold.

I´ll try to post some animation soon. Here are some recent doodles. I still struggle with giving life to my characters, they´re so...well, yeah, lifeless. I´m a bit afraid of doing full figures, I´m so bad at it. But I think I should start to do more story oriented drawings, not just faces. Oh, by the way, this month I should get my "In Your Face" and "Flight 2" books! Really want to have them.

And check the new links, the last ones, some amazing stuff there to see.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Pojd´te Pane Budeme Si Hrát

This is one of my favourite animations. Directed by B. Pojar and created in the "golden ages" of Czech animation, it has excellent character design, amazing animation, charming characters and well, I could go on for ages. I simply love these cartoons. They combine puppets, paper and cell cutout animation, sand animation, everything. Many of the things in these films,if not all , hold up today. Here are some screen grabs. I think these cartoon should be more known. For all of you who like 50´s animation, I think theres some really inspiring stuff here. You just cannot appreciate the thing in its full glory if you dont see the thing moving, but here are the screengrabs.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Speed paint

Quick update.

I started doodling around while taking a break from animating and this came out. I wanted to have a guy on a horse waving at the camera, like he was telling his friends " hey, we finally found the lost city" or something. Well, I ended up doing a cow/some animal. Should have worked on the silhouette to make it readable. No reference. Oh, and check the Monkey Island/Fate of Atlantis/Beneath a Steel Sky version here. I´ve been doing this to my stuff lately, it gives it such a old school games feeling.

higher res

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