Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Not yet

First of all, sorry to all of you who have been coming for a few days allready and have seen no update. Im having a few days of crunch time at work. But Im still sketching on my way there. Heres a little something I did just now before I head home to sleep.

Thanks to all of you who have been leaving comment these days.

And oh boy , tomorrow Ill comment on so many blogs! Have been trying to restrain myself since I hadnt even answer comments here.

Well, hold on. Real post when Im done with work!!


Unknown said...

Hafiz The Great Secret

The Great Secret
God was full of Wine last night,
So full of wine

That He let a great secret slip.
He said:

There is one man on earth
Who needs a pardon from Me -

For there is really no such thing,
No such thing
As Sin!

That Beloved has gone completely Wild

-He has poured Himself into me!

I am Blissful and Drunk and Overflowing.

Dear world,

Draw life from my Sweet Body,

Dear wayfaring souls,
Come drink your fill of liquid rubies,
For God has made my heart
An Eternal Fountain

LuisNCT said...

Joer, yo que soy superperro para hacer loos updates y tu pidiendo perdon y todo... tengo que tomar ejemplo! (ey, ara vuelvo a dibujar mas!!)

Unknown said...

This is very stylized!! Love the layout design!! Beautiful!

Pilar said...

pues si que mola todo banano, será la vida en Praha... je je

Germán said...

jim-...mmm... nice

luis-ya veo q estas posteando mas, a ver pa cuando dibujos del viaje q te tienes q estar pegando.

alina- thanks, was just trying to do soething a bit different, but oh did I rush it.

pilar-jeje. ara mismo te pongo en los links

kcirbuk said...

Guapo,guapo tio!!!

Para cuando más dibujacos tuyos, tio?

Saludos de Paco K.

Teemu Erämaa said...

cmon man, POST! :) Heh, just had to say that... ohh..
I hope you are ok man? It's been awhile when talking to you (even virtually) - everything will go always so fast. 1 month in new york already. But work is taking all the time, you should know :)

we put our own blog also but not much there yet : aviteemuny.blogspot.com

And THIS is not a comment for you to go and leave a msg, but I haven't even come here to check your new posts from may. It is always encouraging to see you sketching, even though you are not considering your speed so good yourself, but I havent done anything in almost 2 months! And now, I want to run outside with paper and pen :)

So, would be nice to hear from you man, drop a line to e r a t e e (ät) l p t . f i - do you know already your plans for the next year? I think after NY Ill be with avi in Paris for the fall and winter. We are also talking about some spain trip on april or so.. but nothing so sure...

Keep it up man. Life and so forth.


Germán said...

Wow its been a long time...

Paco K. - ya me he activao! gracias por pasarte despues de que pasasen meses sin nada nuevo. Acabo de ver tus paginas y tinenes algunas poses muy chulas.

Teemnu. Vittu moi! hey man! yeah, its been a long time!! see you're enjoyin your time there.

Ill drop you an email. take care and say hi to avi

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